Backflow Test Kit cleaning

Backflow Test Kit Cleaning Steps

July 10, 2024

At Mid-West Instrument, we understand the importance of maintaining the accuracy and reliability of your backflow test kits. Regular backflow test kit cleaning is essential to ensure optimal performance and longevity of the test kits. This guide provides detailed steps on how to properly clean our backflow test kits, including the popular models 845-5 and […]

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pressure vacuum breakers

The Opening Point of Pressure Vacuum Breakers

March 30, 2024

Pressure Vacuum Breakers (PVBs) are critical components in preventing backflow and protecting water supplies from contamination due to back siphonage. Understanding the opening point of a Pressure Vacuum Breaker is essential for ensuring it functions correctly to protect potable water systems. The opening point of a PVB is a key performance metric that determines the […]

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digital backflow test kit model 855

Mid-West® Instrument’s Model 855 Digital Backflow Test Kit Powered by the MachBackflow App

March 15, 2024

Mid-West® Instrument, in collaboration with WTM Solutions, is proud to introduce the Model 855 Digital Backflow Test Kit, revolutionizing the way backflow prevention testing is conducted. This innovative product, powered by the MachBackflow app from WTM Solutions, is set to transform the industry with its digital precision, ease of use, and seamless data management capabilities. […]

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